Adding Objects
There are multiple methods to add an object to a label or form. Use the most convenient one:
Click and Click: click the object in the object toolbox. Mouse cursor transforms. Click on the design surface – the selected object appears where clicked.
Click and Drag: click the object in object toolbox. Mouse cursor transforms. Click on the design surface and drag to define the size of the added object.
Text object's size cannot be defined using this method – its size is defined dynamically.
Drag and Drop: click the object in the object toolbox and drag it to the design surface. The selected object appears where the mouse button is released.
Copy and Paste: graphical and textual content can be pasted directly to the design surface. The following rules apply when copying items and pasting them directly to a label or a form:
Graphical content from clipboard is pasted as embedded Picture object.
Rich textual content originating from web pages or word processors is pasted as Rich text object. When designing a form, rich text is pasted as Text object.
Single line text is pasted as Text object.
Multiple line text is pasted as Text box object.