Rich Text Box

Rich text box (RTF) is an object for rich text editing. It encloses textual content with hyperlinks, line images, and other formatting created using an internal Desktop Designer's word processor.


Connected data source defines the content source of the selected object.

  • Fixed data: manually entered fixed text.

  • Variables: predefined variable values which are used as object content.

  • Functions: input data transformation tools.

  • Databases: database values which are used as object content.

  • Counter: displays counter value on the label.

The content field allows you to type the object content.

Rich Text Box Editor is a full-scale text processor.

Edit content button opens the editor.

Supported actions in Rich Text Box Editor:

  • Text formatting

  • Content find and replace

  • Inserting of images, symbols, tables, and dynamic data sources

  • Content zooming

Show RTF code option displays the RTF code.


Read more about the available Rich Text Box Editor features.


Rendering group defines the active rendering method for the rich text content. If you experience difficulties while importing formatted text to the Rich text box object, switch to Alternative rendering. This helps you achieve correct content formatting on the printed labels.


Alternative rendering adds support for right-to-left scripts.


If you are editing legacy Loftware label files (.lbl), Alternative rendering is automatically active.


If you are designing labels with custom fonts, Alternative rendering is the preferred option.

Text Fit

None makes Text box size and font non-adaptable.

  • None: non-adaptable Rich Text box size and font.


    If the content amount exceeds the object size, an error message appears. The label is not printed. To suppress such error and print the text box, enable Ignore excessive content.

  • Adjust height to fit content: automatic Rich Text box height adaptation.

  • Fit content by adjusting font size: adaptable font size.

    • Minimum size: minimum font size.

    • Maximum size: maximum font size.


Position tab defines object positioning and its position-related behavior.

Position group defines the object's position.

  • X and Y: anchoring point coordinates.

Size group sets the object's dimensions:

  • Width and Height: horizontal and vertical object dimension.

  • Keep aspect ratio: simultaneous changing of object dimensions while scaling.


If the measurement unit is changed in label properties, the value transforms automatically.

Rotation angle is the object angle according to the design surface.


There are multiple ways to set the object's angle: enter the angle manually, drag the slider or click and drag the 006.png icon on the selected object. Rotation angle and slider rotates the object around its anchoring point. The 006.png icon rotates the object around its central point.

Anchoring point is the spot where an object is pinned to design surface. Variable size objects increase or decrease their size in the direction that is opposite to the chosen anchoring point.

Lock prevents the object from being moved during the design process.

Relative Position

Relative Position options define the position of an object when label size or positions of neighboring objects are changing during the label design process.

  • Enable horizontal relative position: activates horizontal relative positioning.

    • Relative to label border: the position of object is defined relative to the reference label border. Define horizontal offset for the object with regard to this border.

    • Relative to another object: the position of object is defined relative to the border of a neighboring object. Define horizontal offset for the object with regard to this object.

    • Object: selects the reference object for horizontal relative positioning.

    • Border: neighboring object's reference border or label border (if there are no other objects on the label) for horizontal relative positioning.

    • Offset: horizontal distance from label border or reference object's anchoring point.

  • Enable vertical relative position: activates vertical relative positioning.

    • Relative to label border: the position of object is defined relative to the reference label border. Define vertical offset for the object with regard to this border.

    • Relative to another object: the position of object is defined relative to the border of a neighboring object. Define vertical offset for the object with regard to this object.

    • Object: selects the reference object for vertical relative positioning.

    • Border: neighboring object's reference border or label border (if there are no other objects on the label) for vertical relative positioning.

    • Offset: vertical distance from label border or reference object's anchoring point.


Object position changes if label size or position of the related object change.

When designing double-sided labels, you can also take objects on the opposite side of the label as reference objects for relative positioning. In this case, objects on opposite sides move together if you change their positions.


Label sides of reference objects are clearly identified on the Object selection list with (Front Side) and (Back Side).


General tab identifies the object and sets its status.

Name sets a unique object ID. It is used for object referencing when defining functions, variables, scripts, etc.


Avoid using spaces or special characters in object names.

Description allows adding notes and annotations for an object. It provides help during the label design process.

Status group defines object visibility on print preview and on printed labels.

  • Not printable: prevents the object from being printed. The object still remains visible on the print preview and affects other objects in relative positioning. This option is useful when printing on predesigned or stock-specific labels.

  • Visible: if the checkbox is not selected, the object neither appears on the print preview nor on the printed label. The object is treated as if it does not exist.

  • Condition: makes an object enabled (editable) if the result of the given condition is "True". This setting defines object visibility on form startup and when the connected variable's value changes.


    Equals (=) and slashed equals (≠) signs are allowed to be used in object visibility condition. Click the Equal/Not equal button select the appropriate sign type.


Print Preview


Relative positioning

Not printable (selected)




Visible (cleared)