Visual Aid Elements

Listed below are the visual aid elements that enable you to work with Desktop Designer.

  • Gridlines serve as a visual aid during the design process. They can be either visible or hidden. Their density is customizable. Gridline options are available in the Alignment and Gridlines ribbon group.

  • Snaplines are non-visible alignment lines that help the user align the objects during the design process. Snap options are available in Desktop Designer's Align ribbon group.

  • Ruler shows the available design area for the label (white colored field) and file page (gray colored field).

  • Resize handles appear on the selected (active) objects. They enable you to resize the object dimensions. X and Y dimensions can be resized simultaneously or separately.

  • Margins are the amount of fixed space between the edge of an object and the edge of a label.

  • Tabs for Active Documents allow the user to toggle between multiple labels and forms in a solution. Tabs are also used when designing batches of labels – header, body, and tail labels are placed on separate tabs.