Licensed printers
In Loftware Control Center you can see all the licensed printers in your system and reserve or unreserve printers from one place.
Licensed printers are printers that occupy printer seats. Printer seats are claimed automatically when printing or manually by reserving printers.
Printers you use for printing labels appear on the Licensed Printers list in Control Center and take up your printer seats. To see how many printers are on your license, view your License Information on your Dashboard in Control Center. After 7 days of no printing, Control Center removes your unused printers from the Licensed Printers list, and they no longer count towards your printer seats until you print from them again. For more information, see Counting printer seats for printer seat-based licensing.
In Cloud Designer and Cloud Essentials, Loftware automatically removes printers from the list after 24 hours of no usage.
Printer seats are printer usage units. With each printing to a different physical or virtual (XPS, PDF) printer, a printer takes one printer seat.
Go to Control Center > Printers > Licensed Printers to see your Licensed Printers:
Your detailed list of licensed printers.
Click the column headings to sort your list by Printer, Location, Port, Last used (in days), and Reserved status (Yes or No).
Toggle + and - (on your left) to see more details for each licensed printer, including Computer, User, and Printer queue name.
To make sure specific printers are always available to print, select your printers and click Reserve Printers. Reserved printers stay on your list of reserved printers even after 7 days of no activity. By reserving printers, the print seats stay reserved until you click Unreserve Printers. For more information, see Reserving printer seats.
Connected Cloud Printers are always reserved and count towards your license. You can unreserve Cloud Printers by removing them on Control Center > Printers > Cloud Printers.
Cloud printers are smart label printers that connect to Loftware Cloud print service and receive print jobs.
For more information on cloud printing and cloud printers, see Cloud Printers.
For Cloud Essentials and Cloud Business:
To open Web Designer, you have to first reserve your printers. Go to your Printers page and reserve them. See Reserving printers.
When a computer is printing, the Printer column shows the print queue name and printer model by default. When 2 or more computers are printing to 1 printer, the Printer column shows the printer name because there are multiple print queues.
When you reserve printers from the Printers page, a new column appears on the Licensed Printers page. If the printer hasn't yet been used to print, the Computer column stays empty. Changing printer names on the Printers page doesn't change the printer name field on Licensed Printers.
Use Licensed Printer information to reserve your mission-critical printers and reduce printing delays by controlling all the printers in your label printing system.