Creating a Bookland EAN Barcode, ISBN-13


How to create a Bookland EAN Barcode containing the ISBN-13 plus 5 digit price code for book sales.


To create an EAN-13 Barcode on the label, follow these instructions:

  1. In the properties box for the barcode there is a section called Extension, change that to +5.
  2. Now you can send the 12 digits of data followed immediately by the currency code (5 USD, 0 GBP) and then the price.
    For example:
    Data: 97819318361255995
    Barcode would read: 9781931836128 55995
    Loftware will input the check digit in the correct location. (See Print Preview below)

    Here is a picture of the actual Bookland EAN barcode.

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