Updating printer drivers
You can update your printer drivers with the PrnInst application. the procedure is similar to installing printer drivers using PrnInst.
If you installed several drivers from the same printer driver distribution, the drivers for all these printers will be updated if you update just one driver.
To update your printer driver:
Run PrnInst.exe.
The welcome screen opens. Click Next.
Installation Options window opens. Click Update Printer Drivers option.
In the Update Printer Driver step you can select or deselect all printer drivers. You can't select or deselect only certain drivers.
Compare the Installed version column with the New version column for details about the version upgrade. Click Update.
Grayed-out printers are currently missing and can't be updated.
The Summary window opens after a successful drivers update.
Click Exit to close PrnInst.
Your printer drivers are now updated.