Product level info
Creation of forms and use of form objects are available in Loftware PowerForms Suite or higher.
Action group creates a printing shortcut, starts the printing procedure, customizes printing, or runs a form.
Print button opens the Desktop Designer Print pane as defined by the Default Printing Form.
Customize Print opens multiple options to adapt the printing options.
Create Shortcut for Printing: allows you to create a printing shortcut to a label or a form in a solution. Creating the printing shortcut requires you to save the label or form document first.
When creating shortcut to a solution, the shortcut is named Run [solution name]. After double-clicking it, the form is run instantly.
Printing form: defines which form in the solution is used as default printing form.
Selection of the default printing form is available when editing a solution.
Edit Printing Form: allows adding, removing, or rearranging the objects on a printing form. Read more about the printing form customization here.
If the printing form has not been selected yet, the Edit Printing Form option adds a new form and sets it as the default printing form. If an existing form is selected, the option opens it for editing.
Recreate Printing Form: resets the printing form to its default layout and reestablishes the dynamic content providers after being edited.
Add New Form: adds a new form to the solution. It can either be a blank form or a form designed as a printing form. Use Form name to name the newly added form and make it easily recognizable among other solution documents.
Run Form button runs the currently active form.
If a label uses a customized printing form, this form remains open as a tab. The tab cannot be closed.