Style tab is used for defining label style properties.
Background color: sets the color of label background.
Background picture: sets the label background picture.
Picture file name: defines the image file to be used as background picture.
Embed picture in a document: saves picture into the label file.
Save embedded picture to file: the embedded label picture is saved to a separate file.
Remove embedded picture: embedded picture is removed from the label file.
Picture position: sets picture position on the label.
Center: centers the picture on the label with its original dimensions. A picture larger than the label will display only the central part leaving the rest out of view.
Fit: resizes the picture to fill the label while keeping the original aspect ratio.
Stretch: stretches picture to make it fill the entire label.
This option ignores the original aspect ratio of the picture. The picture might appear distorted on the label.
Rotation: allows you to rotate the background picture in steps of 90 degrees.
Print background picture: background picture is printed.