Label stocks are a time-saving alternative to designing labels from scratch. Use stock templates when designing labels for a specific printer type and when optimizing the label designing process.
Stocks group defines which stock type should be used when designing and printing a label. Stock types are usually associated with printer vendors or stationery suppliers.
Here defined stock properties override the manually set label properties.
Stock defines the exact stock to be used for label designing and printing. Stocks are sorted by vendors and media formats. Expand stock provider and select a specific stock type.
Use Search... to easily find the requested stock. A partial search is available – enter a sequence of characters and all stocks which contain that sequence will be listed. If the selected stock is not compatible with the selected printer, a warning appears. The previously selected stock becomes active again (if it was defined) allowing the printing to continue.
If the selected stock is not compatible with the selected printer, a warning appears. Previously selected stock becomes active again (if it was defined) allowing the printing to continue.
Stock information displays the selected stock's properties: