Internal Variables
Product level info
This section applies to Loftware Designer Pro and PowerForms Suite editions.
An internal variable performs as a dynamic data source that holds a value that is automatically retrieved from a running application and system environment.
Select internal variables by clicking the Internal Variables button in the Data Sources ribbon. Select the appropriate variable checkboxes.
The variables in this set can neither be edited nor modified. Their value is updated with every printed label.
List of available internal variables with description:
LabelFileName |
The path and file name of the currently opened label file. |
ShortLabelName |
The file name of the currently opened label file. |
RequestedQuantity |
The quantity of labels requested for printing. This is the number of labels printed. |
TotalQuantityPrinted |
Total quantity of the printed labels. The number is the sum of label quantities from all label batches. |
CurrentBatchQuantity |
The number of labels reached in the current label batch. The value is reset at beginning of each label batch in the printing process. |
LabelPrinterName |
The name of the printer driver currently selected for printing. |
DefaultPrinterName |
The name of the default printer driver. |
UserName |
The application use rname of the currently logged-in user. It will have a value only if in-application authentication is enabled. |
SystemUserName |
The Windows user name of the currently logged-in user. |
ComputerName |
The name of the computer on which the application is running. |
SolutionFileName |
Current solution file name. |
ShortSolutionFileName |
Current short solution file name. |
SolutionFilePath |
Path to solution file name. |
FormName |
The path and name of the form application used for label printing instead of Print dialog box. |
ShortFormName |
Short name of the form application used for label printing instead of Print dialog box. |
EPCData |
A hexadecimal representation of EPC data as will be written on the RFID tag. |
LabelRevision |
Label Revision Description. |
AccessRoles |
Contains comma-separated lists of every assigned access role for your users. Enable Authentication in Control Center to use AccessRoles. Your solution cannot retrieve AccessRoles from Control Center when you work offline. |