
Linear function multiplies or divides an input data source value by a defined Multiplier. An optional value (Addition) can also be added.

About group identifies the function.

  • Name: function ID, initially defined by the function type.

  • Description: function's purpose and role as defined by the user.

Input data source defines the input data source from which the data will be used in the function.

Linear function parameters are:

  • Mode: linear function type.

  • a: function multiplier.

  • b: function addition.

Output formatting group defines the function output format.

Output format is the format of a modified value. more... opens additional formatting options:

  • Decimal separator: character that marks the border between integral and fractional parts of a decimal numeral.

  • Decimal places: number of places behind the decimal separator.

  • Use 1000 separator: thousands separated or non-separated by a delimiter.

  • Delimiter: character that separates the thousands from the rest of the numeral.

  • Sample: preview of the formatted output value.

Example 38. Example:

Input value: 123

a: 2

b: 20

Output value: 2 * 123 + 20 = 266