Using Samples in Web Designer,

Samples represent typical labels, which you can use as a base layout for creating your own labels or exploring sample label designs. To learn more, see the About Samples topic in our guide.

[Note] Note

You can't print directly from the Samples folder in Control Center, but you can copy the sample file into Documents and edit the copied file in Web Designer.

To open sample labels in Web Designer:

  1. Go to sample files on Dashboard or the Documents page.

  2. Right-click on the sample file name and click Copy to...

    [Note] Note

    Before copying, check the label's description. If a database is attached to the label, you have to copy the database as well.


    You can either copy the sample label and database in the same folder or copy the sample label in the Labels folder and the database in the Database folder.

  3. Navigate to your destination folder, then click Select.

  4. When the copy process is complete, your destination folder opens on your screen.

  5. Right-click on your label and click Edit from the drop-down menu.

    [Note] Note

    To rename your label, right-click on the label name and select Rename....

    You can also rename your label in Web Designer.

Web Designer opens with your new label, with objects and connections from the sample you used. You can now start editing.

When you are online, Web Designer saves your files automatically.

If one or more functionalities are not supported by Web Designer, you can only see your label's preview.