
Automation Manager in Control Center provides you centralized access to all configurations and triggers running on Automation Servers on your local computers. Automation Manager in Control Center connects to Automation Manager on your local computers, so you can make changes on local computers instantly from your Control Center.

From Automation Manager in Control Center, you can add, reload, and remove configurations to and from Automation servers on local computers.

[Note] Note

Loftware V5 NiceWatch configuration files (.mis) are not supported anymore. Control Center treats V5 configuration files as an unknown format. You can still open and edit V5 configuration files in the latest Automation.

Adding configurations

You can load Automation configurations from Documents to Automation servers on local computers. Running configurations on local computers helps you decentralize your automated printing processes and allows your users to manage Automation configurations.

Users can start, stop, and modify locally stored Automation triggers.

You can also manage all configurations from Control Center.

[Note] Note

You must store your Automation configurations in Documents.

To add configurations to local computers:

  1. In Control Center go to Integrations > Automation.

  2. Click Manage configurations.

  3. Manage configurations window opens. Click Add.

  4. The Documents explorer window opens. Browse to your configuration and click Next: Select computer.

  5. Select the computer where you want to deploy the configuration and click Finish.

Your configuration is now deployed to the Automation server on your local computer.

Reloading configurations
[Important] Important

When your users change and save configurations in Automation Builder, you must reload the configurations for them to take effect.

Reloading configurations in Control Center works the same as reloading configurations in Automation Manager on local computers. For detailed instructions, read your Automation User Guide.

To reload configurations in Control Center:

  1. Go to Integrations > Automation.

  2. Click Manage configurations.

  3. Manage configurations window opens. Select configurations you want to reload and click Reload.

Your configurations reload. Your new configurations settings now affect your printing.

Removing configurations

Remove configurations from your list in Control Center to prevent running obsolete triggers by mistake.

To remove configurations in Control Center:

  1. Go to Integrations > Automation.

  2. Click Manage configurations.

  3. Manage configurations window opens. Select configurations you want to reload and click Remove.

[Note] Note

Removing configuration from your list in Control Center doesn't delete configuration files from your local computers or Documents.

By pressing then Remove button, your configuration is removed from your list. Triggers from removed configurations are no longer listed.