Text box

Text boxes allow you to put your product descriptions on your labels. You can define your font, font size, font style (Bold, Italic, Underline), and other advanced properties.

The text box is similar to the Text object. The text box has an advantage in presenting textual content with variable length. The text object expands or shrinks to adjust size to the number of characters you entered. The text box can either adjust (expand/shrink) its height to the content or increase/decrease the font size to fit into the object frame.

Use the Text box when your text content is variable data. Your text will always fit the pre-designed Text box frame.

Adding Text boxes to labels

To add Text box objects to your label design:

  1. Click the Text box icon in your Objects panel.

  2. Click on your label design surface where you want to put your text. The Text box appears on your label.

To move your text box, click and drag the Text box object.

To resize your text box, drag the corners of your Text box object.

To rotate your text box, drag the small circle symbol above your Text box object. You can rotate your text box by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.


You can also rotate your text box by any degree in the Text box Properties panel.

Text box properties

Click on your Text box to set or edit your Text box content and properties. The Properties panel opens on the right side of your screen.


In the Properties panel, you can:

  • Manually define your Text box dimensions, position, and rotation data. You can rotate your text box by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

  • In Source > Type select your data source or enter fixed text.

    • You can manually type Fixed Data.

    • Using Variables, you can enter your values at print time.

    • Your text can contain GS-1 or Concatenate Function.

    • You can select values from your Database.

    [Note] Note

    For details on defining and using your variable content, see the Dynamic data sources topic.

  • Define your text Style:

    • Font: Select your font type. You can choose between TTF (TrueType Font) installed on the Control Center server , and printer internal fonts.

    • Style: You can add styles to your font: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough.

    • Align: You can align your multi-line text to the left, center, and right or justify, as in other advanced text editors.

    • Color: If your printer enables color printing, you can select your font color.

  • Apply Effects on your text box objects: You can design and print your texts in Inverse colors, for example, white letters on a black background. If you print your labels on transparent media, you might use the Mirror option. RTL printing enables printing Arabic and similar fonts in the opposite direction, right to left.

  • Content fit manages your text box size in case of variable length text content.

    • None: Text box and font sizes are fixed. If the text doesn't fit the text box, Web Designer shows an error message unless you enable the option Ignore excessive content.

    • Adjust height: Text box height expands with longer texts and shrinks with shorter texts.

    • Adjust font size: Text box size remains the same with variable texts, and texts always fill the whole text box area. To achieve this, font size changes.

    • Adjust font scale: Text box size remains the same with variable texts, and texts always fill the whole text box area. To achieve this, font width stretches or shrinks.

  • If you want to modify the default text layout, adjust the settings in the Spacing & Scaling section.

  • By default, label objects have the status Printable. You can disable the Printable status if you don't want your text object to be printed. For example, you would like to put some comments on your label design but don't want them to be printed. Non-printable text objects will also not show on the label preview.

  • Anchoring: Anchoring point is where your label object is pinned to the design surface. Variable size objects (variable text, barcodes) increase or decrease their size in the opposite direction of the selected anchoring point.

Use the right-click menu or keyboard shortcuts to:

  • Copy

  • Cut

  • Paste

  • Delete

your Text boxes.