Design surface


Your design surface shows your current label design and acts as a reasonably accurate print preview.

[Note] Note

For exact label previews including actual dynamic data values, click the Preview & Print button.

On your design surface, you can:

  • Place, arrange, and resize your label objects.

  • Copy, paste, and delete your objects.

Zoom options

Use the Zoom tool to enlarge or reduce your label preview.

You can also press <Ctrl> and scroll your mouse wheel to zoom in or out of your label preview.

You can also right-click on the design surface to open the right-click context menu, then click View and choose either Zoom to 100% or Zoom to Label.


When your zoom is 100%, your label preview dimensions on your screen match the dimensions of your printed labels. Click on the percentage number to quickly reset your zoom to 100% 066_middle_zoom.png.

[Note] Note

When you design new labels, your design surface automatically adjusts to your browser. The default zoom setting is usually greater than 100%.