
The Line object creates straight lines on your label. Use lines to divide content on your labels or to emphasize your content. You can draw lines at any angle (inclination).

Adding lines to labels

To add a line to your label design:

  1. Click the Line icon in your Objects panel.

  2. Click on your label design surface and drag your mouse to draw the line.

To move your line, click and drag the Line object.

To resize your line and change the angle, drag the endpoints of your line.

You can rotate your line around the middle point by clicking and dragging the small circle symbol above your Line object. The rotation snaps every 15 degrees. To avoid snapping, hold <Shift> while rotating.

Line properties

To set or edit your line properties, click on your line object. The Properties panel opens on the right side of your screen.

  • You can manually define your lines' dimensions, position, and rotation data. You can rotate your lines in 1-degree intervals.

  • Style:

    • Line type: You can choose between Solid, Dash, and Dot line types.

    • Thickness: You can define line thickness by typing values or using the cursor icons. With cursor icons, you increase or decrease thickness by 0.05mm steps. Use values between 0.08mm and 16.99mm.

    • Color: You can select your line color if your printer enables color printing.

  • By default, label objects have the status Printable. You can disable the Printable status if you don't want your text object to be printed. For example, you would like to put some comments on your label design but don't want them to be printed. Non-printable text objects will also not show on the label preview.

Use the right-click menu or keyboard shortcuts to:

  • Copy

  • Cut

  • Paste

  • Delete

your lines.