Barcode properties

In Web Designer, you can configure barcode properties. Each barcode type has specific properties.


1D barcode properties include:

2D barcode properties include also:

Web Designer supports most of the standard barcodes.

Human readable

Human readable text displays alphanumeric barcode data content located below or above the barcode. The human-readable text provides backup in case the barcode is damaged or of poor quality. Most 1D barcodes support human-readable text.

Check digit

Check digit verifies that the barcode content is scanned correctly. The barcode algorithm calculates the check digit from the barcode content. The check digit is placed as the last digit in the barcode content. You can let the barcode algorithm calculate the check digit or provide your own.

X dimension

X dimension is the width of the narrowest bar in the 1D barcode or the size of the smallest element of the 2D barcode.


The vertical dimension of your 1D or 2D barcode. Barcodes with more height are less prone to scanning errors.

Include quiet zones

Quiet zones are blank spaces around the barcode. This option ensures optimum readability if neighboring label objects are located next to the barcode. If possible, don't place other objects into quiet zones area.

Space correction

Space correction increases the gap width between the bars for better barcode readability.

Pixel shaving

Pixel shaving or Bar width reduction (BWR) reduces the number of pixels for each bar in your barcode. Use Pixel shaving to adapt your bar width in case of press gain (ink spread) at print time. Press gain can affect your barcode readability. Pixel shaving doesn't change the overall width of your barcode. USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode doesn't support pixel shaving.

[Note] Note

The Encoding type option is available for QR codes.

QR codes enable you to encode text and other content like company details, product information, or other details. You can also create QR codes that generate an SMS or email or link to a web page that opens when you scan your QR codes with a smart device.

ECI Encoding

Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) encodes information about used code pages (for example, UTF8, Windows-1251) into your Data Matrix and QR barcodes so your scanner can represent the data. ECI encoding tells barcode readers which "code page" to use to correctly display your barcode content automatically. Without ECI encoding, barcode scanners require manual configuration to display the content correctly. Include ECI encoding on your labels, usually for non-western script languages (for example, Arabic, Thai, or Chinese).

Example 12. Example:

Without ECI encoding, you create a barcode with a Cyrillic Code page. To display the Cyrillic characters correctly, an operator in another country who scans your barcode must manually set the correct code page in his barcode scanner.

With ECI encoding, you create a barcode with a Cyrillic Code page. The operator can see correct Cyrillic characters without manually configuring his barcode scanner.

[Note] Note

Some smartphone barcode scanning applications do not recognize ECI Encoding.

  • To enable ECI Encoding, go to Barcode Properties > Barcode > Details.

  • ECI encoding is based on the selected code page.

    You can configure Numeric, Alphanumeric, or Binary ECI Encoding (depending on your setup).


Enabling ECI encoding in Barcode Properties.

With ECI encoding enabled, barcode scanners can automatically detect which code page is used on your QR and Data Matrix barcodes.

DIN SPEC 91406

Some products may contain multiple 2D barcodes with different data. To make sure your operators scan the correct barcode (containing standardized product data), enable DIN SPEC 91406 in your barcode Properties > Barcode > Details.

Figure 2. 


Enabling DIN SPEC 91406 in Barcode Properties

DIN SPEC 91406 setting adds a quiet zone and border around QR and Data Matrix barcodes. This border also contains a black triangle in the lower right corner. The border does not affect your barcode readout.

[Note] Note

Use at least Q (25% recovery) in your Error correction level settings.

Including EAN whitespace

This option adds more space on the right side of your EAN barcode to increase barcode readability. It also adds a ">" character to the human-readable text. This character is not a part of barcode content.


EAN-13 barcode without EAN whitespace (left) and with EAN whitespace (right)

Use asterisk

Use asterisk: Web Designer inserts asterisks as a prefix and a suffix to your human-readable text in the Code 39 barcode. Asterisks represent a start and a stop character.

Descender bars

The Descender bars make the bars at the beginning, middle, and end of your barcodes appear longer:

[Note] Note

Descender bars are available on the following barcode types:

  • Ean-8

  • Ean-13

  • Upc-A

  • Upc-E

Code Page
[Note] Note

The Code Page option is available only with PDF-417 barcodes.

Code Page defines which character encoding type applies to your barcode. When you use language-specific special characters (for example, Greek, Cyrillic, or Arabic characters), use the appropriate Code Page.

The Unicode (UTF-8) default setting is appropriate in most cases.


The ratio between the barcode's narrow bar and wide bar widths.

Bearer bar

Bearer bar is a border that surrounds the barcode. The bearer bar protects the barcode image and enhances reading reliability.

Symbol version

Symbol version defines the barcode data capacity. A higher symbol version enables more barcode data.

When you select automaticWeb Designer determines the smallest symbol version size that will hold the data.

Error correction level

Error correction level defines the percentage of the total 2D barcode allowed to be dirty or damaged without being able to read. Level L can be dirty/damaged for up to 7%, level M 15%, level Q 25%, and level H 30%.

Binary encoding

You can use Binary encoding in the QR code. Since Loftware variable content is alphanumeric only, binary encoding uses a Neodynamic library with QR Code tide processing:

  • ~1: represents the FNC1 code.

  • ~7NNNNNN: specifies the Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI), and NNNNNN is a value between 000000 and 999999. The default is ECI 000003, representing the ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet No. 1.

  • ~dNNN: represents a byte value in decimal notation. NNN is a numeric value between 000 to 255.

  • ~hXX: represents a byte value in hexadecimal notation. XX is a hexadecimal value between 00 and FF.

  • ~kXXXX: represents a Kanji double-byte value in hexadecimal notation. XXXX is a hexadecimal value of Shift JIS Kanji characters according to JIS X 0208:1997, Annex 1.