Previewing Label Files

You can preview your label files directly in the Documents without opening your labels in the desktop Designer.

To see your label preview:

  1. Right-click your label file and click Preview in the context menu.

    [Note] Note

    You can't preview solutions (.nsln files).

  2. The preview opens in an embedded window.


    1. By clicking this icon you can edit, print, or download your label file.

    2. You can browse for the sample text file containing variable data (name:value pairs).

    3. Label preview zoom options with a full-screen button.

    [Note] Note

    If you enter the Initial value data in your label variable properties, Variables values fields shows Initial value content.

[Note] Note

When you select a double-sided label, the preview shows only the front side. To see both sides, right-click the label file, then click Print from the context menu. The Preview and Print window opens with a print preview of both sides of your label.

Control Center can also preview images and PDF files. Right-click the file, and click Preview. You can preview files with extensions .bmp, .png, .jpeg, .gif, .tif, .wmf, .emf, and .pdf.

If you work with file revisions, you can preview files of any revision from the Revision history for the selected file.

[Note] Note

When opening your label preview, you can enter the values for variables and see how they appear when printed. You can also use database values.

[Note] Note

Control Center generates label previews using the installed printer on your Control Center. If the printer does not exist, Control Center uses a virtual printer instead.