
Use rectangles to frame objects (for example, texts, pictures, or QR codes) on your labels. Rectangles also act as borders on your labels. Organize your data and label designs with rectangles of different sizes and thicknesses to improve the overall look of your label design.

Adding rectangles to labels

To add a rectangle to your label design:

  1. In your Objects panel, click the Rectangle icon.

  2. Click on your label design surface to place your rectangle on your design surface.

To move your rectangle, click and drag the Rectangle object.

To resize your rectangle, drag the corners of your Rectangle object.

To rotate your rectangle, drag the small circle symbol above your Rectangle object. You can rotate your rectangle by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.


You can also rotate your rectangle by any degree in the Rectangle Properties panel.

Rectangle properties

To set or edit your rectangle properties, click on your rectangle object. The Properties panel opens on the right side of your screen.

  • You can manually define your rectangles' dimensions, position, and rotation data. You can rotate your rectangles by any degree.

  • Outline:

    • Thickness: You can define rectangle thickness by typing values or using the cursor icons. With cursor icons, you increase or decrease thickness by 0.05mm. Use values larger than 0.08mm. Maximum thickness is limited by half of the smallest between rectangle width and height.

    • Corner radius: Makes the rectangle corners round. Higher values make the curves broader. You can type values or use the cursor icons. With cursor icons, you increase or decrease the corner radius by 0.05mm steps.

    • Type: You can choose between Solid, Dash, and Dot rectangle line types.

    • Color: You can select your rectangle color if your printer enables color printing.

  • Fill:

    • Type: You can fill your rectangle with different saturation levels of the selected color. If you select values other than None, the content within the rectangle (images, barcodes, texts) will not be visible anymore.

    • Color: You can select your fill color if your printer enables color printing.

      [Note] Note

      Print your test label when you set the Fill option other than None. Your printout might look different than your label design preview.

      To test your printouts, try different Graphic Options (Dithering values) in your Loftware driver settings > Printer Settings.

      1. On the computer where Loftware driver is installed, open Windows Settings, then go to Printers & scanners.

      2. Click your printer, then click Manage to open Loftware printer driver settings.

      3. Click Printing preferences to open the Printer Settings window.

      4. Go to the Graphic Options tab and adjust the Dithering option.

      5. Print test labels with different levels of dithering.

  • By default, label objects have the status Printable. You can disable the Printable status if you don't want your text object to be printed. For example, you would like to put some comments on your label design but don't want them to be printed. Non-printable text objects will also not show on the label preview.

  • Anchoring: Anchoring point is the spot where your label object is pinned to the design surface. Variable size objects (variable text, barcodes) increase or decrease their size in the opposite direction of the anchoring point.

[Note] Note

Web Designer remembers your rectangle line thickness and radius, so when you place another rectangle on your label, its properties are the same as those on your previous rectangle.

Use the right-click menu or keyboard shortcuts to:

  • Copy

  • Cut

  • Paste

  • Delete

your rectangles.