
Analytics in Control Center helps you monitor and analyze your entire label printing process, giving you ways to understand what and how you print. In enterprise environments, Analytics helps you know:

Which users print which labels from which computers with which programs on which printers using which materials.

You can quickly sort and find information you need with these data Filters and tabs:

  • Labels—file names, amounts printed, printers used, dimensions, stock numbers.

  • Printers—models, amounts printed, dimensions, stock numbers.

  • Printer Groups—which groups, amounts printed, dimensions, stock numbers.

  • Users—user names, amounts printed, printers used, dimensions, stock numbers.

  • Computers/Applications—computers, modules (Automation, Control Center, Designer, Print, Printer Driver, SDK, Web Printing), labels printed, printers used, dimensions, stock numbers.

  • Materials—label dimensions, stock numbers, amounts printed, printers used.

Use Analytics to sort, monitor, and analyze your printing process in Control Center. Analytics helps you organize and plan your printing tasks, improve your printing processes, and find ways to decrease your printing costs.


Click the top of your bar graph to switch views between your Number of printed labels (1) and Number of errors (2). Scroll to zoom in and out and see more data.

To use Analytics, click the Analytics tab in your Control Center.

[Note] Note

If your Analytics graphs and detailed lists are empty, or you experience other display errors, try disabling your browser adblocker. For the best experience, we recommend disabling your adblocker or whitelisting Control Center.