Label Production Approval Process with Delayed Publishing

This workflow is similar to the Label production approval process workflow with one difference. This workflow differentiates between the Approved and Published states. When the document is approved, it is functionally complete, but not automatically used by the print operators yet. In some environments, the move into the final Published state must be performed with a delay. The document might have to wait until the next work shift, or until a specific date, such as after the public holidays, or when a production order requires new label designs. You can schedule the future date and time for the publishing to occur.

The transition to the Published state can be done manually, or automatically by the system. The state Approved is not a final state, but is followed by:

  • Published. In this case, the transition into the Published state is completed by the user.

  • Scheduled for publishing. In this case, the transition into the Published state is completed by the system on a date and time as defined in the workflow.

In both cases, the change of the step is logged into the system database.

adm-workflows-delayed publishing.png