Starting and Stopping Triggers

Automation Manager in Control Center provides you centralized access to all configurations and triggers running on Automation Servers on your local computers. Automation Manager in Control Center connects to Automation Manager on your local computers, so you can make changes on local computers instantly from your Control Center.

You can start and stop triggers running on local computers connected to Automation Manager in Control Center.

[Note] Note

You can search for triggers by name, Automation computer name, or configuration name.

Starting triggers

To start triggers in Control Center:

  1. Go to Integrations > Automation.

  2. Check the boxes of triggers you want to start.

  3. Click Start.


Your triggers start on your computers. Automation Manager changes your trigger icons from grey to green to show your triggers are running.


Stopped triggers vs Running triggers

Stopping triggers

To stop triggers in Control Center:

  1. Go to Integrations > Automation.

  2. Check the boxes of triggers you want to stop.

  3. Click Stop.


Your triggers stop on your local computers.