Storage and Archiving

Your Control Center data includes your documents and printing history logs. All the data is stored in your Control Center SQL database.

You store your label files, solutions, graphics, and other files in the Documents storage. Control Center generates History logs automatically and logs data size depends on the frequency of your printing activities.


In time, the size of stored data can reach the limits of your storage space in Loftware Cloud. We recommend you clear some data from your cloud storage. If you need more space in your Documents, or if you want to prolong History logs retention time, contact Loftware sales.

[Note] Note

The size of storage data refers only to the Documents storage size. Data in the History is limited only by retention time.

To manage your cloud storage, go to Administration > Storage where you can:

  • Check your used space in Documents.

    [Note] Note

    Your Documents storage space depends on your Loftware Cloud edition.

  • Manage your Control CenterCloud Database (SQL database) connection string and credentials.

  • Download your data archives.

    [Note] Note

    Your data retention time depends on your Loftware Cloud edition.

Recovering archived data

After the history log cleanup, Control Center stores the archived data in Access database files. The archived data is no longer directly visible in the History tab. If you want to make the archived data visible again, your Control Center allows you to recover the history data from the archive Access database files.

The recovery procedure imports the archived data back to the Control Center database and makes the data available for viewing and further analysis.

[Note] Note

Use the archived data recovery option if you plan to conduct an audit that requires checking the already archived data stored in Access database files.

  1. To recover the archived data, run the dedicated Archive Importer application that you can find in your Control Center installation folder. The default path is: c:\Program Files\Loftware\Loftware  Control Center\Utils\ArchiveImporter.exe.

  2. Click Import. The file browser window opens.

  3. Locate your Microsoft Access archive database file. If your archive uses separate database files with time stamps, make sure you select the file for the relevant time period.

  4. Click Open. Your archive data becomes visible again in the Control CenterHistory.

Because reimporting the archived data adds load to the Control Center database and slows down the performance, you can delete the recovered data after you are done with the audit. To delete the recovered archive data, click Delete.

[Note] Note

During the archive data recovery, your Access database files remain stored on your computer. If you decide to delete the recovered archive data from your Control Center, you still keep the original Access database files and all history data that is visible on the History tab.

The recovered archive data is excluded from the data archiving in Control Center. The recovered data remains visible on the History tab until you delete the data using the Archive Importer application.