
Automation Manager in Control Center provides you centralized access to all configurations and triggers running on Automation Servers on your local computers. Automation Manager in Control Center connects to Automation Manager on your local computers, so you can make changes on local computers instantly from your Control Center.

The Automation page in Control Center is your entry point for monitoring and managing all your Automation configurations and triggers.

In Control Center, go to Integrations > Automation.


You can:

  • Access all your triggers and configurations.

  • See which triggers are located on which computers and view Automation logs.

  • See time elapsed since the last trigger event.

  • See triggers with errors.

  • Check trigger statuses:

    • Running

    • Stopped

    • Server Offline

  • See configuration names and types.

  • Manage all your triggers and configurations:

    • Start and stop your triggers.

    • Refresh your trigger list in Control Center.

    • Reload your triggers.

    • Remove your triggers.

    • Copy configurations from Documents in Control Center to Automation Managers on local computers in your network.

    • Sort your trigger list.

    • Search your triggers.

    • Group your trigger lists by configuration names.

    • Group your trigger lists list by server names.

[Note] Note

If possible, upload and run your Automation configurations from Documents in your Control Center. This way you enable centralized access to your triggers. You can edit your triggers from your computer with Control Center and Automation Builder installed.

Click the link in the Configuration name column name to open the trigger location in Documents.


In Documents, double click your trigger file to edit it in Automation Builder.

Centralized management of all your Automation triggers saves you time, avoids system downtime, and minimizes security risks.