Automation Manager


Automation Manager in Control Center provides you centralized access to all configurations and triggers running on Automation Servers on your local computers. Automation Manager in Control Center connects to Automation Manager on your local computers, so you can make changes on local computers instantly from your Control Center.

Large organizations often have multiple Automation servers running different Automation configurations. When production problems occur, viewing Automation logs on multiple Automation servers is inconvenient, takes time, requires remote access, and increases security risks.

Automation Manager in Control Center works like your local Automation Manager, but adds computer names so you can quickly locate your Automation configurations and triggers.

[Note] Note

Run Automation Manager on local computers when possible. Automation Manager in Control Center works best when you manage many Automation instances. With slow networks, your changes may take more time to affect Automation servers installed locally.

In Control Center, you can:

  • Access all your triggers and see live trigger statuses.

  • Start and stop your triggers.

  • Load triggers from different configurations from Documents.

  • Access all trigger logs to see execution details.

  • See triggers with errors or warnings, and get notifications when errors occur (In Administration > Email Alerts).

  • Add triggers from Documents to your local computers.

  • Manage users and permissions for adding, editing, viewing, and deleting triggers (In User Management > Access Roles).

You can centrally manage all your triggers and configurations on all your computers with Automation Manager in Control Center.