All Activities

All Activities displays all printing activities, but successfully executed and with errors. Control Center logs printing activities and details from all Loftware applications. In All Activities you can see also errors caused by misconfigured Loftware solutions and configurations, for example if your labels don't print because of invalid variable content or wrong printer name.

Records with error events are written in red.

[Tip] Tip

In All Activities you can add your own log records with customized information and details about your printed labels or errors.

Add Log Event action to your Automation configuration or Designer solution with Information and Details data.


To display detailed information about the print job, click the row with the selected event. Print History Details window opens.

[Note] Note

For more details about print job statuses, read the section Job Statuses.

[Note] Note

Print History Details > Print Job section also displays Metadata if available. You can define Metadata in a Loftware form or in Automation at advanced print options in Print Label action.


Use Filters and Columns to narrow down the search for your printing activities and customize displaying of the All Activities page.

You can download the All Activities data as an Excel sheet if you click the Download button at the bottom of the page.