
Use the Message action to write custom strings (For example, custom warning messages, variable values, and comments). The message action creates custom entries in your Automation Manager log files. Automation log files contain application-generated information, warnings, and error descriptions. Use Message logs to track your message variables during configuration, troubleshooting, and debugging.

To configure Message actions, do the following:

  1. Go to All Actions and select Message from the drop-down Action menu.

  2. Rename your action and insert your description.

  3. Configure your message Content: Caption, Message, and Message Type.

    Message Types include:

    • Information

    • Error

    • Warning

  4. Expand Show execution and error handling options to set conditions for showing messages, ignoring failures, and saving Automation errors to variables.

LoftwareAutomation Manager displays colored Messages (For example, red errors and orange warnings) in your Automation Log pane.

Example 81. Example:

You print Pasta labels with Automation. Your trigger receives variable values from ERP generated CSV files. When your variable "Package" value is greater than 4, Automaton Log creates a warning.


Configuring Message actions.

Your result in Automation Manager looks like this:


[Note] Note

When you set your Message severity to Error, your triggers do not go to error state. Printing is still possible.

Use Message logs for:

  • configuration troubleshooting

  • debugging your solutions

  • tracking values of your selected variables

displaying your customized warnings and error messages