Store Label to Printer

This action saves label template in the printer memory. The action is a vital part of Store/Recall printing mode, using which you first store a label template into the printer's memory and later recall it. The non-changeable parts of label design are already stored in the printer, so you only have to provide the data for variable label objects at print time. For more information, see section Using Store/Recall Printing Mode in Loftware Automation user guide.

[Note] Note

The required label data transfer time is greatly minimized as there is less information to be sent. This action is commonly used for stand-alone printing scenarios, where the label is stored to the printer or applicator in the production line and later recalled by some software or hardware trigger, such as barcode scanner or photocell.

Advanced options for storing label to printer group allows you select a label and the preferred storing variant.

  • Label name to be used on the printer: specifies the name to be used for storing the label template in printer memory. Enter the name manually or enable Data source to define the name dynamically using an existing or newly created variable.

    [Warning] Warning

    When storing the label to a printer, it is recommended to leave the label name under the advanced options empty. This prevents label name conflicts during the recall label process.

  • Store variant: defines printer memory location for stored label templates. Enter the location manually or enable Data source to define the name dynamically using an existing or newly created variable.