Open Label

Open Label action specifies the label file that is going to be printed. When the action is executed, the label template opens in memory cache. The label remains in the cache for as long as the triggers or events use it.

There is no limit on the number of labels that can be opened concurrently. If the label is already loaded and is requested again, Loftware Automation will first determine if a newer version is available and approved for printing, then open it.

In this example, Loftware loads the label label.nlbl from folder C:\ProjectA\Labels.


If the specified label cannot be found, Loftware tries to find it in alternative locations. For more information, see section Search Order for Requested Files in LoftwareDesigner user guide.

Using Relative Paths

Loftware supports the use of relative paths for referencing your label file. Root folder is always the folder where the solution (or configuration in case the action is used in a Loftware Automation configuration) is stored.

With the following syntax, the label loads relatively from the location of the configuration file. Automation Builder searches for the label in folder ProjectA, which is two levels above the current folder, and then in folder Labels.


Settings group selects the label file.

  • Label name: specifies the label name. It can be hard-coded, and the same label will print every time. The option Data source enables the file name to be dynamically defined. Select or add a variable that contains the path and/or file name if a trigger is executed or an event takes place.

    [Tip] Tip

    Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.

    [Note] Note

    Use UNC syntax for network resources.