Load Variable Data

This action loads values of a single or multiple variables from the associated data file as saved by the action Save Variable Data. Use this action to exchange the data between triggers. You can load a particular variable or all variables that are stored in the data file.

Settings group defines the file name.

  • File name: specifies the file for the variable data to be loaded from. If the name is hard-coded, the values are loaded from the same file each time.

    Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see section Access to Network Shared Resources in Loftware Automation user guide.

File Structure group settings must reflect the structure of the saved file from the Save Variable Data action.

  • Delimiter: specifies delimiter type (tab, semicolon, comma or custom character). Delimiter is a character that separates the values.

  • Text qualifier: specifies the character that qualifies content as text.

  • File encoding: specifies the character encoding type used in the data file. Auto defines the encoding automatically. If needed, select the preferred encoding type from the drop-down list.

    [Tip] Tip

    UTF-8 makes a good default selection.

Variables group defines the variables whose values should be loaded from the data file.

  • All variables: specifies all defined variables in the data file to be read.

  • Selected variables: specifies selection of individual variables to be read from the data file.