Delete File

This action deletes a selected file from a drive.

Loftware Automation module runs as service under a defined Windows user account. Make sure that account has the permissions to delete the file in a specified folder.

File group sets the file related details.

  • File name: the name of the file to be deleted. File name can be hard-coded. Data source dynamically defines the File name using an existing or newly created variable.

    Path and file name can be hard-coded, and the same file is going to be used every time. If only a file name without path is defined, the folder with Loftware Automation configuration file (.MISX) is used. You can use a relative reference to the file name, in which the folder with .MISX file is used as the root folder.

    Data source option enables variable file name. Select or create a variable that contains the path and/or file name or combine several variables that create the file name. For more information see section Using Compound Values in Loftware Automation User Guide.

    [Note] Note

    Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see section Access to Network Shared Resources in Loftware Automation User Guide.