Preview Label


This action executes the print process and provides label image preview. By default, the preview is saved to disk as JPEG image, but you can choose other image format. You can also control the size of the created preview image. The action generates preview for a single label.

Once you have the label preview created in a file, you can send the file to a third party application using one of the outbound actions, such as Send Data to HTTP, Send Data to Serial Port, Send Data to TCP/IP Port, or use it as response message from bidirectional triggers, such as and Web Service Trigger. The third party application can take the image and show is as label preview to the user.

Preview group defines the file to be previewed and its details.

  • File name: specifies the path and file name. If hard-coded, the same file is used every time. If you only use the file name without path, the folder with configuration file (.MISX) is used. You can use a relative reference to the file name, where folder with .MISX file is used as root folder. Data source option enables variable file name. Select or create a variable that contains the path and/or file name after a trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.

  • Image type: specifies the image type which is used for saving the label preview.

  • Preview label back side (2-sided labels): enables preview of the back label. This is useful, if you use double-sided labels and want to preview the label's back side.

Example 89. Example

For example, if your label template defines dimension as 4" × 3" and the label printer resolution is set to 200 DPI, the resulting preview image has dimensions of 800 × 600 pixels. Width equals 4 inches times 200 DPI, which results in 800 pixels. Height equals 3 inches times 200 DPI, which results in 600 pixels.

Additional settings group allows you to enable the use of provisional values.

  • Use provisional values: replaces missing data source values with provisional values and displays them in the label preview.

    [Tip] Tip

    Provisional value defines a custom placeholder variable value in an object while designing labels or forms. In a label object, the provisional value is replaced by the real variable value at print time.