For Loop


This action executes all of the subordinate (nested) actions multiple times. All nested actions are executed in a loop for as many times as defined by the difference between start value and end value.

[Note] Note

For Loop action starts session printing mode – a printing optimization mode that prints all labels in a loop using a single print job file. For details, see Session Printing section in Loftware Automation user guide.

Loop Settings group includes the following options:

  • Start value: loop starting point reference. Select Data source to define the start value dynamically using a variable value. Select or create a variable containing a numeric value for start.

  • End value: ending point reference. Select Data source to define the start value dynamically using a variable value. Select or create a variable containing a numeric value for start.

    [Tip] Tip

    Negative values are permitted for Start value and End value.

  • Save loop value to a variable: saves the current loop step value in an existing or a newly created variable. The loop step value is allowed to contain any value between start and end value. Save the value in order to reuse it in another action to identify the current iteration.