Save Variable Data

This action saves values of a single or multiple variables in an associated data file.

In Loftware Automation module, this action allows data exchange between triggers. To read the data back into the trigger, use action Load Variable Data.

[Tip] Tip

The values are saved in a CSV file with the first line containing variable names. If the variables contain multi-line values, the newline characters (CR/LF) are encoded as \n\r.

Settings group defines the file name.

  • File name: data file to save the variable data to. If the name is hard-coded, values are saved into the same data file each time.

    Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see section Access to Network Shared Resources in Loftware Automation user guide.

If file exists group offers additional options to save the values.

  • Overwrite the file: overwrites the existing data with new variable data. The old content is lost.

  • Append data to the file: appends the variable values to the existing data files.

File Structure group defines the CSV variable data file parameters:

  • Delimiter: specifies the delimiter type (tab, semicolon, comma or custom character). Delimiter is a character that separates the stored variable values.

  • Text qualifier: specifies the character that qualifies the stored content as text.

  • File encoding: specifies character encoding type to be used in the data file. Auto defines the encoding automatically. If required, the preferred encoding type can be selected from the drop-down list.

    [Tip] Tip

    UTF-8 makes a good default selection.

  • Add names of variable in the first row: places the variable name in the first row of the file.

Variables group defines the variables whose value should be read from the data file. Values of the existing variables are overwritten with values from the file.

  • All variables: variable data of all variables from the data file is read.

  • Selected variables: variable data of listed variables is red from the data file.