Redirect Printing to PDF

This action diverts the print job to a PDF document. The created PDF document retains the exact label dimensions as defined during the label design process. The rendering quality of graphics in the PDF matches the resolution of the target printer and desired printout size.

Print stream data can be appended to an existing file, or it may overwrite it.

The action instructs Loftware to redirect printing – as a result, the labels are not printed. Make sure the action is followed by the Print Label action.

[Note] Note

Loftware Automation module runs as service under defined Windows user account. Make sure this user account has privileges accessing the specified folder with read/write permissions. For more information, see section Access to Network Shared Resources in Loftware Automation user guide.

File group defines the redirect file.

  • File name: specifies the file name for diverting the print job to. If hard-coded, the printing is redirected to the specified file every time. To define it dynamically, use an existing or create a new variable.

  • Overwrite the file: if the specified file already exists on the disk, it is going to be overwritten (selected by default).

  • Append data to the file: the job file is appended to the existing data in the provided file (deselected by default).

  • Embed fonts in PDF: If you use some non-standard font, your solution might produce different PDF output on computers without this font. With Embed fonts in PDF option enabled, you embed your non-standard font into your solution and your solution creates the same PDF on all computers.

    Embed fonts in PDF option creates PDF for Archiving (PDF/A) compliant document. The PDF/A standard ensures your documents are reproduced exactly the same way, regardless of what software you use. The information required for displaying the contents like images, fonts, and color information is embedded in your PDF file.

    [Note] Note

    The output PDF file consumes more space when saved with this option enabled.

Persistence group allows controlling the persistence of the redirect action. Define the number of Print Label actions that are affected by the Redirect Printing to File action.

  • Apply to next print action: specifies for the print redirect to be applicable to the next Print Label action only (single event).

  • Apply to all subsequent print actions: specifies for the print redirect to be applicable to all Print Label action defined after the current Redirect Printing to File action.