Running and Managing Triggers

Deploying Configuration

After you have configured and tested the triggers in Automation Builder, deploy the configuration using Loftware Automation service and start the triggers. At that time, the triggers become active and start monitoring the defined events.

To deploy the configuration, use any of the following methods.

Event Logging Options

Loftware Automation logs events on various locations, depending on the deployment scenario. The first two logging features are available with every Loftware Automation product level.

  • Logging to log database: Logging to internal log database is always enabled. Internal log database keeps record of all events with all details. When viewing the logged information, you can use filters to display events that match the rules. For more information, see section Using Event Log.

    The data is stored in an SQLite database. This is a temporary log repository – the events are removed from the database on a weekly basis. The housekeeping interval is configurable in Options. Records of old events are deleted from the database, but the database does not get compacted (vacuumed), so it might still occupy the disk space. To compact the database, use a 3rd party SQLite management software.

  • Logging to Windows Application Event Log: Important events are saved to Windows Application Event Log in case Loftware Automation fails to start. This ensures a secondary resource for logged events.

  • Logging to Control Center: Logging to Control Center is available in LMS Enterprise and LMS Pro products. Control Center is a Web-based management console that records all events on one or more Loftware Automation servers. The data is stored in Microsoft SQL Server database. You can search through the collected data, and additionally, the application also supports automated alerts in case of certain events, printer management, document storage, revision control system (versioning), workflows, and label reprinting.

    [Note] Note

    For more information, see the Control Center user guide.

Managing Triggers

Automation Manager is the management part of Loftware Automation software. When using Automation Builder for configuring the triggers, you are using Automation Manager to deploy and run the triggers in production environment. The application allows you to load triggers from different configurations, see their live status, start/stop them, and see execution details in log file.

You can customize the view on the loaded configurations and their triggers. The last view is remembered and applied when you run Automation Manager for the next time. If you enable view By status, triggers from all open configurations that share the same status are displayed together. If you enable view by Configurations, triggers from the selected configuration are displayed together, no matter what their status is. Trigger status is color-coded in the trigger icon for easier identification.

The displayed trigger details change in real time – as soon as the trigger events are detected. You can see the information items, such as trigger name, type of trigger, how many events have already been processed, how many errors were detected, and the time that passed since the last event. If you hover your mouse above the number of already processed triggers, you see the number of trigger events waiting to be processed.

[Note] Note

The loaded configuration is cached in memory. If you make a change to the configuration in Automation Builder, the Automation Manager does not automatically apply it. To apply the change, reload the configuration.

Using Event Log

All activities in Loftware Automation are logged to a database to enable history and troubleshooting. When you click the Log button in the Triggers tab, events for that particular trigger are displayed. The log pane displays information for all events that are related to the defined filter.

Logging data is useful for troubleshooting. If a trigger or action cannot be executed, the application records an error description in the log file that helps you identify and resolve the issue.

[Note] Note

The default data retention time is 7 days and is configurable in Options. To minimize log database size on busy systems you might want to reduce the retention period.

If your configuration fails to load...

When deployed, your Automation configuration runs as a Windows process in the background. The Automation Manager using which you manage and monitor your configuration is merely an interface that represents the actual Automation services. In certain cases, the configuration that you developed, tested, and deployed fails to load. There are multiple possible reasons. Follow the proposed solutions to get your Automation configuration up and running:

  1. Configuration file was removed, renamed or moved to another location. You can check to which file your deployed configuration points in Automation Manager:


    Make sure the .misx configuration file is available at the specified location, and the it still has the same name as in Automation Manager. If you moved or renamed your configuration file, open it in Automation Builder and deploy the configuration again.

  2. Configuration file is on a network location which cannot be accessed due to network connection problem. Check the network connectivity of your computer/server that stores the configuration.

  3. Automation service does not have permission to access the configuration file. Check permissions for user account used by Automation service. This error indicates issues with the Automation service running in the background.

    Possible solutions are:

    • If your configuration file is stored on a local disk or network share, check that you are running your configuration under your local user or domain credentials. Running your configuration under Local System Account may restrict access to shared network folders and printers. Open Services, and see the properties of the LoftwareAutomation Service .

    • If your configuration file is stored in the document storage of your Control Center, these are the possible scenarios:

      • Your Control Center uses the application authentication. The reason why your configuration fails to load, is incorrect Automation service identity. The Automation service identity must match the user identity as defined in your Control Center.

        You can find your configuration's Automation service identity in Automation Manager > About tab.

      • Your Control Center uses the Windows authentication. Your configuration fails to load because you try to run it as a user with insufficient privileges on your Control Center. Check under which user you are running the Automation service. Open Services, and see the properties of the LoftwareAutomation Service 2019.

        [Note] Note

        In both cases, see LoftwareControl Center user guide for more details on the available authentication methods and user privileges.

      • Your Control Center runs in Loftware Cloud. The reason why your configuration fails to load, is incorrect Automation service identity. The Automation service identity must match the Loftware Cloud user sign in.

        You can find your configuration's Automation service identity in Automation Manager > About tab.
