
About dialog provides information about your Loftware product license, enables license purchasing (when in trial mode) and activation, provides software details, and enables you to change the product level of Loftware.

License information group includes:

  • Trial mode duration: Information about the remaining days for product evaluation. This segment is no longer visible after purchasing and activating the product license.

  • Purchase License: Button directs you to the Loftware online store.

  • Activate license: Button opens the Loftware license activation dialog. See Loftware installation guide for details about the license activation process. After activating the license, this button is renamed to Deactivate License – after clicking it and confirming the deactivation, your copy of Loftware is no longer activated.

  • Change product level: Opens the product level selection dialog. When in trial mode, you can choose and evaluate all product levels. With an activated license, you can change your product level only to lower levels.

[Note] Note

Product level changes take effect after restarting the application.

  • Upgrade license: Opens the product level upgrade dialog. See Loftware installation guide for details about the license upgrade process.

Software information group includes information about the installed software version and build number.