Execute SQL Statement

This action sends SQL commands to a connected SQL server and collects results. Use commands SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Use Execute SQL Statement action to achieve these two goals:

  • Obtain additional data from a database: In Automation Builder module, a trigger receives data for label printing, but not all of the required values. For example, a trigger receives values for Product ID and Description, but not for Price. We have to look up the value for Price in the SQL database.

    SQL code example:

    SELECT Price FROM Products
    WHERE ID = :(Product ID)

    The ID is field in the database, Product ID is a variable defined in the trigger.

  • Update or delete records in a database: After a label is printed, update the database record and send a signal to the system that the particular record has already been processed.

    SQL code example:

    Set the table field AlreadyPrinted value to True for the currently processed record.

    UPDATE Products
    SET AlreadyPrinted = True
    WHERE ID = :(Product ID)

    Or delete the current record from a database, because it's not needed anymore.

    DELETE FROM Products
    WHERE ID = :(Product ID)

    The ID is field in the database, Product ID is a variable defined in the trigger.

[Note] Note

To use values of variables inside SQL statements, insert colon (:) in front of variable names. This signals that a variable name follows.

[Important] Important

When you create your solution with a database connection, use prompt variables on your labels instead of database fields.

Use the same names for prompt variables as are defined for database fields, for example:

Database field: food_products_1c.ProdCode

Prompt variable on your label: ProdCode

Loftware then automatically maps corresponding variables with database fields.

Database Connection group defines the database connection that is used for the statement.

[Tip] Tip

Before you can send an SQL sentence to a database, set up the database connection. Click the Define button and follow the on-screen instructions. You can connect to a data source that can be controlled using SQL commands, so you cannot use text (CSV) or Excel files.

SQL Statement group defines an SQL statement or query to be executed.

[Tip] Tip

Statements from Data Manipulation Language (DML) are allowed to execute queries upon existing database tables.

Use standard SQL statements, such as SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE, including joins, function and keywords. The statements in DDL language that are used to create databases and tables (CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE), or to delete them (DROP TABLE) are not permitted.

  • Test: opens Data Preview section. Simulate execution (selected by default) tests the execution of SQL statements. Click Execute to run the simulation.

    [Tip] Tip

    Data Preview section allows you to test the execution of your SQL statement upon a live set of data. To protect the data from accidental updates, make sure the option Simulate execution is enabled. The statements INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE will execute. This enables you to gain feedback on how many records will be affected, then all of the transactions will be reversed.

    If you use trigger variables in the SQL statement, you will be able to enter their values for the test execution.

  • Insert data source: inserts predefined or newly created variables into an SQL statement.

  • Export/Import: enables exporting and importing SQL statements to/from an external file.

  • Execution mode: specifies the explicit mode of SQL statement execution.

    [Tip] Tip

    In cases of complex SQL queries, it becomes increasingly difficult to automatically determine what is the supposed action. If the built-in logic has troubles identifying your intent, manually select the main action.

    • Automatic: determines the action automatically.

    • Returns set of records (SELECT): receives the data set with records.

    • Does not return set of records (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE): use this option if executing a query that does not return the records. Either insert new records, delete or update the existing records. The result is a status response reporting the number of rows that were affected by your query.

  • Execution timeout: allows you to define the time delay for sending your commands to the SQL server. Use the execution timeout if you are sending multiple consecutive SQL commands that require longer processing time.

    Type the requested timeout duration in seconds. By default, the execution timeout duration is 60 s. If you want your database provider to define the timeout, type in 0 s.

Result group allows you to set how the SQL statement result should be stored, and to define action iteration.

  • Save Data to Variable: selects or creates a variable to store the SQL statement result. This option depends on the selected Execution mode.

    • Result of SELECT statement. After you execute a SELECT statement, it results in a data set of records. You receive a CSV-formatted text content. The first line contains field names returned in a result. The next lines contain records.

      [Note] Note

      To extract the values from the returned data set and to use them in other actions, define and execute the action Use Data Filter upon the contents of this variable (this action is available in Automation Builder).

    • Result of INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements. If you use INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements, the result is a number indicating the number of records affected in the table.

  • Iterate for Every Record. If enabled, Loftware automatically adds a new action For Every Record. See more about this action in a dedicated topic.

    [Note] Note

    Automatic database field mapping is enabled. Prompt variables on your label automatically connect to your database fields with the same names. For example:

    Database field: food_products_1c.ProdCode

    Prompt variable on your label: ProdCode

Retry on failure group allows you to configure the action to continually retry establishing the connection to a database server in case the first attempt is unsuccessful. If the action fails to connect within the defined number of attempts, an error is raised.

  • Retry attempts: specifies the number of tries to connect to the database server.

  • Retry interval: specifies the duration of time between individual retry attempts.

Example 67. Example

You want to print labels with data from your food_products_1c database but only records with predefined field value UseBy.

You define UseBy value with variable ProdUser. In this case, ProdUser value is "3".

After each label is printed, Loftware writes database values in a text file on your disc. Use the following actions:


Only labels where UseBy value equals "3" are printed and values are written in a text file:
