Read Data from Serial Port

This action collects data received via serial port (RS-232) and saves it in a selected variable. Use this action to communicate with external serial port devices.

Port group defines the serial port.

  • Port name: name of the port to which an external device connects to. This can either be a hardware COM port or a virtual COM port.

Port Settings group defines additional port connection settings.

  • Bits per second: speed rate used by the an external device to communicate with the PC. The usual alias used with the setting is "baud rate".

  • Data bits: specifies the number of data bits in each character. 8 data bits are almost universally used in newer devices.

  • Parity: specifies the method of detecting errors in a transmission. The most common parity setting, is "none", with error detection handled by a communication protocol (flow control).

  • Stop bits: halts the bits sent at the end of every character allowing the receiving signal hardware to detect the end of a character and to resynchronize with the character stream. Electronic devices usually use a single stop bit.

  • Flow control: serial port may use interface signals to pause and resume the data transmission.

Example 72. Example

A slow device might need to handshake with the serial port to indicate that data should be paused while the device processes received data.

Options group includes the following settings:

  • Read delay: optional delay when reading data from serial port. After the delay, the entire content of the serial port buffer is read. Enter the delay manually or click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.

  • Send initialization data: specifies the string that is sent to the selected serial port before the data is read. This option enables the action to initialize the device to be able to provide the data. The option can also be used for sending a specific question to the device, and to receive a specific answer. Click the arrow button to enter special characters.

Data Extraction group defines how the defined parts of received data are extracted.

  • Start position: starting position for data extraction.

  • End position: ending position for data extraction.

Result group defines a variable for data storing.

  • Save data to variable: select or create a variable to store the received data.